Monday, March 9, 2009

Nvidia wants to re-define a netbook

Once again, I would mention that current netbooks only have the capability to allow users to surf on 'light' websites, check emails, and do word processing and spreadsheets. Microsoft's GM Mike Ybara stated that a netbook is simply a small notebook and that people expect it to perform like one. Some do not agree with that, but a GPU maker is wanting in on changing the definition of today's netbooks. Nvidia says that netbooks do not have the necessary power for video encoding, watching HD movies, and other entertainment means. One of the more important aspect of Nvidia's new product is its small size that would not compromise performance.

Introducing the Ion, Nvidia would combine an Intel Atom CPU with a 9400M GPU and together would be known as the Ion platform. According to PC Pro, an ion in physics is a charged atom. This would makes sense as the Intel Atom would be charged to become an Ion platform with the addition of the 9400M GPU. It has been said that power consumption would not be hugely hampered and the price would only be increased by $50-100 per unit.

With the GPU, a netbook would perform 10x faster, be able to deal with HD content, present content with a high resolution of 2560 x 1600, and be able to handle DirectX10.

Whether it would really power-up netbooks and whether consumers would go for a charged Atom, it is certain that Nvidia is putting a foot forth in changing the netbook landscape. The bigger question however now is would Intel follow suit with this project. Currently, Intel really dislike Nvidia's attitude toward the netbook. Intel strictly believes that netbooks are not designed to be used for gaming, intense video encoding, and live streaming, but are used for simple tasks that utilize the web. Only a few manufacturers like Lenovo has mentioned publicly that they would make future products with the 9400M GPU.

Only time will tell the fate of the Ion platform.


  1. Nvidia sounds like a traitor! I think it's a really interesting idea, and I hope Intel considers it seriously.

  2. i dont think Nvidia would be successful. Because remeber why netbooks are big in teh first place,,, THEY ARE CHEAPP!!! increasing the price to another $50-$100 would put it in fullsize notebook territory. If netbooks were that expensive they better be powerful enough and currently atom can only handle basic tasks, as intel states.
    Maybe one day a netbook CPU can handle crysis but not now...
