Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SWEATing...Day 3

Programming Notes:
  • timing and timelines
  • paths
  • data structures-lists, files
  • multiplayer-message loop
  • AI-deterministic (AI will do the same thing in the same situation)
  • -tracking and evasion (pathfinding)
  • -detection, distance
  • non-deterministic (options for AI)
GM is actually nice to use-I was skeptical of it, but I like it. Even though I'm raw in programming, this is a nice start, as it aids you in recognizing some of the universal programming aspects like loops. You can drag buttons (like if...else, block start, end etc.) and plot them in order.

My game so far is plain, but it's playable, so I'm quite content w/ my work.

So far, I'm starting to get the hang of it, but the parts involving variables and putting in time lines are still a mystery to me...

Update: A roller-bladder sped faster than the speed of light, and slammed against a half-opened door of a parked car that was adjacent to a window of the bus that I was on, facing. The roller-bladder was motionless for a while until put onto a stretcher. She seems to be fine, she could move limbs and talk...

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