Thursday, March 26, 2009

SWEATing...Day Final

This is the final day!

Some Notes: Final touch-ups
  • game info
  • global settings
  • speed considerations
All we did: finish up on games and add some game info and splash screens etc.

Later on, we'll having an open house to showcase our work.
At the open house: FOOD! (That's what they were saying...)

That ends my 2-week extended Spring Break, and the SWEAT 2009 opportunity was neat, too bad I wasn't able to make a legit game to play. GM was a nice start to programming and was glad to have taken SWEAT 2009. I look forward to doing more programming soon...

Brett's game is hilarious (sound effects!!!)~!!

I'm off's 2:40 pm and I guess we're leaving soon to set-up for the open house.

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